Steam wallpaper effections
1 year ago
Hong Kong
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I figure out that wehn steam wallpaper changes.The game will slow down. I think this is a GPU problem. Could anyone tellme how to solve it?

EqualityFighter likes this
California, USA

Wallpaper engine uses RAM and GPU power to run so it can effect the game you're playing especially if your wallpapers are animated. I personally have Wallpaper Engine set to pause when a program is fullscreen or maximized. In settings look under "performance" and then take a look at the options in "playback" and see what would work best for you. I'd recommend using "pause" or "stop" for the option that says "other application fullscreen"

The easy or quick fix would just be to disable Wallpaper Engine while you're doing speedruns.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
PacoHelpisto likes this
Hong Kong
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Thank you.Now I have changed a GPU(AMD6950).It works better.And also,I can close the wallpaper engine

EqualityFighter likes this
Hong Kong
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

By the way:Is there a wall paper with a theme of Stray?

EqualityFighter likes this
Hong Kong
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I figured out the real problem ultimately! I live in tropical places where it's hot and wet. I can feel the computer working very bad these days because summer is coming... I should set a AC beside my PC

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